What is Dropshipping?

Are you interested in Dropshipping but aren't sure about how the process works?

Have you had your eye on one of our Prebuilt Businesses but need more information? You've come to the right place!

Here you will find a short breakdown on exactly what dropshipping is, how the process works and how you can get started with our Prebuilt Businesses. We know you're busy so let's get right into it.

 So What Is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a shipping method used by online businesses that allows you to sell products without having to spend thousands of dollars on physical inventory. It’s a very low risk and beginner friendly which makes it a great way for new entrepreneurs to start an online business.

Once your business is making a profit, you can buy your best selling inventory and simply remove items that are not selling.

Step By Step Instructions:

Customer makes a purchase

Once someone places an order in your store, your will receive 3 notifications:

  1. Email notification
  2. Shopify notification
  3. Supplier notification

You submit the order to your supplier

You will be asked by your supplier to make a payment based on the wholesale price. For instance, if the customer paid $50 for their purchase but your (wholesale) price is $20 then you only pay $20 for them to ship the item to them. You will then get the $50 (amount paid by the customer) within 24-48 hours depending on the supplier.

Your supplier ships the product

Once you submit and pay for the order, your supplier will ship the product to the customer. The supplier send all the notifications to the customer. You will also receive a copy of the emails.


This Program is perfect for women who:

  • Who want to a new source of income.
  • Do not want to pay thousands for inventory.
  • Don't have the time to spend trying to build a business on their own.
  • Are not sure what type of merchandise they want to purchase.
  • Are looking for a low risk side hustle.
  • Do not want to work a 9-5p